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It’s the end of 2020, the beginning of 2021 – and what a whirlwind it has been! So, now is the time when people make some new resolutions, right?. Here at the New York Deli, we have a recommendation for you: Don’t make a resolution.

Just look at that word: Resolutions. It’s so serious and ominous. And it’s all too easy to think you have to make huge, life-changing commitments that you maybe do or don’t want to make. Which is likely at least part of the reason that as many as 80% of resolutions made aren’t kept.

Instead, try this: Make promises to yourself. What kind of promises?

  1. Be kind with yourself. Does your morning often begin with “I should have, why didn’t I, if only I’d…”? You’re human. Cut yourself some slack.
  2. Be kind to others. You may never know how much that scowling person on the street needed a smile from a stranger. That’s OK. If you gave the smile, you were kind.
  3. Take a hard look at family commitments. Anything you can cut out to build in more down time? Being constantly on the run is stressful. Find moments to stop.
  4. Let go of the “perfect” ideas. Your home doesn’t have to be perfectly clean. You don’t have to serve four-course meals every night (or, actually, any night). It’s OK to be good enough.
  5. If you do have concrete things you want to accomplish in 2021, find ways to break them down into small chunks. “Become a master gardener” is a big, big task. “Cut up a little square in the corner of the yard and plant three kinds of vegetables” is much more manageable.
  6. Take a night off now and then. Bring home New York Deli sandwiches for dinner and spend time with the family, rather than scrambling to make a meal.